Market Snap bot - Be up to date with the market, with zero effort. | Product Hunt

Be up to date with the market

By leveraging the usage of automations, you can be up to date with the status of the market with the updates from the Market Snap bot, with zero effort.

Every update you need. Try it for yourself.

Market Snap bot was built for investors like you who want to be up to date with the market, but want to optimize their process.

Get updates via telegram

You can configure it to receive the updates daily into telegram.

Get updates via email

You can also configure it to receive the updates daily into your email.


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Get the Fear and Greed index from CNN

Get the crypto Fear and Greed index from

Get the US Economic Calendar from

Get the Earnings Calendar from Earnings Whispers

Get the market indexes from Finviz

Get the S&P 500 Map from Finviz

Get the Market Major News from Finviz

Get the Forex and Bonds from Finviz

Get the Market Futures from Finviz

Choose which updates you need.

There's a predefined list of updates, and you can choose which ones you need

Get your updates today

It takes 30 seconds to sign up and configure the updates to your telegram, start today

Pricing plans

Start getting updates today. Higher plans allow more customization.

Save 15%



Billed $14.99 yearly

  • Receive 1 alert daily (pre market)
  • Receive alerts on your telegram



Billed $30.49 yearly

  • Receive 1 alert daily (pre market)
  • Receive alerts on your telegram
  • Receive 1 alert daily from Monday to Friday (post market)
  • Receive alerts via email
  • Send alerts to a telegram channel